The original language is ALWAYS beter in any anime or movie and serie. When you are grown-up you understand because than you have maby patience to wait till it release in you're homeland or when other people took initiative to dub (change voices) for people that do not like the original, or for the people that do not want to read but watch the anime so that they do not miss a part. All with all RECAPS SUCK even for age where it is made for, I gues!? LIKE WTF do kids not need to memorise things or is this to enlight the future of pokemon and showing how cool other characters can be instead of Ash. This is allready in Pokemon United, A girl with picachu. If Ash really leaves without catching mew or becomes a shimmer that trained with the new "heroes"/"characters to get a female to have a head roll to. than wtf wtf wtf I am so sad that maby next season Ash really leaves. He can not become a pokemaster let him fail. Don't let him train or train with the future main characters. IFF PICACHU GOT RESETS AND HIS LOW UQ TO THAN RESET THE HOLE SERIES WITH A BETTER FOLLOW UP FROM SEASON TO SEASON AND MAKE A STORIE ABOUT THAT. INCLUDING A BABY THAT IS MALE OR FEMALE AND NOT BOTH ;) *just a smill tip to make less confusing when their older because we have to accept wat we are and not wat made us question our birth
Pokemon Season 1 English Subtitles
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You can find the various seasons and movies of Pokemon on Netflix US, Pokemon TV, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. All the websites host the series with both English subtitles and dub. However, for a more elaborate list for every season, check the list below: 2ff7e9595c